A list of (mostly) public-facing todo items
1. Personal VM
- Switch to NixOS
- Setup Caddy
- Setup
GiteaForgejo - Setup backups with Kopia
- Create NixOS module for Kopia
- Wait for PR#4020 to be merged
- Create NixOS module for Kopia
- Use Syncthing for public document syncing
- Create Caddy add-on to host Gitea repos
2. System Configuration
Aim — Make as much as possible able to be setup automatically and idempotently
- Shell script for ensuring various kinds of packages are installed
- Package manager
- Python (pip) packages
- Rust/cargo packages
- URL for a pre-compiled executable in a .tar.gz
- URL for an executable's source that needs to be compiled
- Font
- Installation from GitHub / URL
- Skip recently-installed fonts
- Compiled/downloaded executables for ~/.local/bin
- Commit config files
- KDE Config (including KWin scripts)
- konfsave looks promising
3. Emacs Config
- Add package update info to CI action, and generate badge
- Extract Org/music components to own package
- Add more conditional LaTeX preamble content, e.g. maths
- Don't do annoying replacements like ' to ’ in Org to Markdown export
- Use docker to cache CI, it currently takes 5–6 minutes for only 1 minute of significance
- Transform LaTeX math fragments to TeX syntax on markdown export
- Disable some emojis in Org files
4. Open Source Work
4.1. Org
4.1.1. Org itself
- Make
work for LaTeX - Org plot enhancement
- Enhance
- Restyle default Org HTML export
- Create new package for font-lock based syntax highlighting backend for LaTeX
- Add font-lock rule for @@format:content@@ elements
- "@@\\([a-z]+\\):\\(.*?\\)@@" seems like viable regex
- Tested this with the faces: font-lock-comment-face, org-tag, org-latex-and-related
- Help fix W3C violations in HTML export
- Warning: The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.
- Fix: remove it
- (warning) type parameter unnecessary for javascript <script>
- Fix: remove it
- alt attribute not allowed on object elements (svg images)
- Fix: use img element for svgs
- Inability to "wrap" sections cannot be resolved without producing invalid HTML
- Create a property like :HTML_WRAP: <a href"…">= which will automatically add the relevant closing tag at the end.
- Warning: The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.
- Poke hlissner to upstream Org improvements
- Submit IETF RFC to register Org as a MIME type
- Org pandoc (transient) import package
- Org music package
- Push for a fixed ob-julia
- Fix org-plot invalid function error
- Make it possible to change \ref in LaTeX export to something else (like \cref) Bonus: capitalisation.
- Don't bind auto-mode-alist to nil in ox.el, instead change how file read/write is done
- Formatted paste
- ox-pandoc
4.1.2. Patches from my config
- [See config] Set a default bullet sequence (currently nil), minor but I think this would be nice
- [See config] Use deterministic/meaningful heading IDs
- [See config] Could be nice to provide a function which transforms Org keywords in buffer lowercase
- [See config] fontify inline source blocks
- [See config] LaTeX export: fix verbatim text in headings
- [See config] HTML export: upgrade mathjax to v3
- [See config] LaTeX export: clever generated preamble content is brilliant
- [See config] LaTeX code fontification: add engrave highlighting backend option (for the best syntax hightlighting you'll see in a PDF)
- [See config] LaTeX export, perhaps some others: don't load the mode for intermediate files
- [See config] Markdown export: change \( \) to $ syntax, not relevant to the spec but it's better than not doing this IMO as $ is better supported by the many markdown parsers around — so why not?
- [See config] Remove org-block face from inline LaTeX fragments
4.1.3. Tooling
- Online live-collaborative Org editing (see this issue)
- Create CI Action for tangling/weaving Org files (org-knit)
- GitHub (org-knit, org-tangle)
- Implemented as docker container(s) with minimal github-specific components
- Should be fairly easy (and nice) to port to other CI systems
- GitLab
- Angola? Drone?
- GitHub (org-knit, org-tangle)
- Pandoc: use lower case keywords
- Pandoc: use \( \) inline maths instead of $ syntax (code)
- Create Org LSP client
- Should investigate alternatives to current Rust library — seems a bit unmaintained, no response to my issue created over a month ago
- Maybe switch to rust-analyser/lsp-server, looks like a bit more boilerplate though
4.1.4. Public presence
- Revamp Org website
- Apply Emacs manual CSS to Worg online manual
- Overhaul Worg with ecc-J, by making a nice site generator
- Add Org file icon to most common themes
- Wikipedia's Org article
- Update screenshots
- Add example exports
- Add implementations section
- Add Org logo to simple-icons (used by — github badge generator, PR)
- Update Org icon used by file-icons (used by all-the-icons and others, PR)
- Add colour to Org filetype in github (PR)
4.1.5. Threads to look at
- Re: Images in org-mode
- Re: Issue with dvisvgm Option for Exporting TeX Snippets to HTML
- Re: [PATCH] Don't fill displayed equations
- julia tests are failing and ob-julia is quite broken now. I recall you said that you may look into this someday:[email protected]/
- Re: How to solve "Warning (emacs): Please update the LaTeX src-block-backend to listings" : one guy asked to allow specifying latex src block backend via #+LATEX_SRC_BLOCK_BACKEND keyword, not just using defcustom
- Long time ago, we made a plan for reviewing That plan included asking feedback on emacs-devel. Maybe it is the time now?
- (reddit) Org-mode: removing packages on latex export - looks like a bug we need to fix
- Re: org-latex preview on Windows
- Re: Pasting an image with org-download in org-capture buffer - potential bug; need to check
- Re: [BUG] Checkbox item is broken in html export with table content
A bug with org-plot
#+PLOT: title:"Weight" ind:1 deps:(2) type:2d with:linespo set:"xdata time" set:"yrange \[90:\]" timeind:1 | Date | Kg | |------------------+------| | \<2010-02-21 Sun> | 95.0 | | \<2010-02-22 Mon> | 93.0 | | \<2010-02-23 Tue> | 92.0 | | \<2010-02-24 Wed> | 91.5 | | \<2010-02-25 Thu> | 91.0 | | \<2010-02-26 Fri> | 92.0 |
Once one removes timeind:1, the plot will not be produced.
- visual-line-mode don't play well with org-latex-preview
- org-latex-preview has a bug when using dvisvgm with regards to the path, when drive is mounted
- Re: [BUG] Wrap LaTeX Fragments in a Span
- We need to update, describing the new engrave-faces backend
- Re: New HTML exporter (was a feature request)
- [PATCH] ox-html.el: add option to embed SVG for CSS support in SVG
- [PATCH 1/1] Fix background color when line-wrapping latex previews
4.2. Emacs
- Contribute colouring to
- Analyse the Emacs User Survey 2020 a bit
- Update screenshots in Wikipedia's Emacs article
- Magit wikipedia article
- Package ideas (non-org)
- Emacs everywhere
- Lexic
- Screenshot
- Auto-activating latex snippets
- Make backend/format-generalised htmlize package
- Allow for definition of custom formats, like with org-pandoc-import
- Grab / hard fork Emacs Anywhere
- Formatted (markup language) paste
- Emacs user survey 2022
- Emacs user survey 2024
4.3. Julia
4.3.1. JuliaUp
4.3.2. REPL
4.3.3. StyledStrings
4.4. Microbin
- Expanded/customisable animals list (#137)
- Make accessing /admin without credentials viable
- Slim down water.css, only a bit of it is used
- Replace funky not-quite question marks (#282)
- Expand syntax list (add Julia)
- Allow generating blank/unfilled uploads that the first persons who sees the link can add content to (useful for receiving content from somebody while restricting general paste creation)
- Improve page design
- Move options into a settings <details> block
- Right-align "New List Guide" nav links